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General Training

As a part of its commitment to equipping Georgians to recognize, respond to, and provide appropriate care for suicide, the Suicide Prevention Program offers the following trainings through a network of certified trainers across Georgia:

Just like CPR, QPR is an emergency response to someone in crisis and can save lives. This 1.5-hour, evidence-based course teaches participants:

  • How to Question, Persuade and Refer someone who may be considering suicide
  • How to get help for yourself or learn more about preventing suicide
  • The common causes of suicide behavior
  • The warning signs of suicide
  • How to get help for someone in crisis

CALM is a 3-hour, interactive best practice workshop designed to help clinical professionals implement counseling strategies to help individuals at risk for suicide and their families reduce access to lethal means, particularly (but not exclusively) firearms. It includes the following components:

  • Background on suicide data and lethal means
  • An introduction to firearms
  • Video presentation modeling the counseling strategy
  • Presentation on conducting a counseling session
  • Breakout discussions and practice sessions

Similar to CALM (see above), Convo CALM is a 3-hour, interactive workshop designed to give helping professionals and community members the resources they need to help someone at risk for suicide and their families reduce access to lethal means, particularly (but not exclusively) firearms. It includes the following components:

  • Background on suicide data and lethal means
  • An introduction to firearms
  • Video presentation modeling the discussion
  • Presentation on how to discuss lethal means
  • Breakout discussions and practice sessions

Developed by the Suicide Prevention Program, this special consultation and training opportunity is offered to providers serving as part of the Community Behavioral Health Provider Network in Georgia.

Learning Objectives:

  • To increase clinicians’ knowledge of suicide prevention best practices and suicide-specific care.
  • For clinicians to gain practical tools and strategies to use with individuals at-risk for suicide.
  • To review and address clinician concerns around suicide care as outlined by the DBHDD suicide prevention policies.

Georgia’s Suicide Prevention Coalitions are a diverse mix of community-based teams. While each coalition is unique to the community where it is formed, there are several key elements of coalition development which will generally be consistent across settings. These elements include membership, community needs and readiness assessment, planning, and community engagement. During this workshop, coalition leaders and members will learn about and consider ways these components can help strengthen existing and developing coalitions.


Train coalition leaders and members in practices which support the expansion of coalition capacity and planning for sustainability.

Learning Objectives:

During the workshop, attendees will:

  • Understand how the type of collaboration in which their coalition engages will direct the focus and work of the coalition.
  • Identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth in their respective coalition.
  • Develop a personal or team action plan to support coalition growth.

Training Projects

In addition to the trainings above, the Suicide Prevention Program also offers targeted trainings through the following projects:

  • Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR)
  • AMSR New Leader Training
  • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
  • Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
  • MHFA Instructor Training
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA)
  • Persuade. Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Training
  • QPR Instructor Certification
  • Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM)

As we know COVID-19 has impacted our communities greatly and domestic violence, along with related risks of homicide/suicide, during times of increased social distancing is an added concern. As a part of this project, the Suicide Prevention Program is working with Partnership Against Domestic Violence (PADV) and Georgia Commission on Family Violence (GCFV) to host the following 90-minute trainings to enhance knowledge around domestic violence and awareness of circumstances related to homicide/suicides.

Presented by Partnership Against Domestic Violence (PADV)

The DV 101 presentation provides education and raises awareness about Domestic Violence. It incorporates the statistical data nationally and within the State of Georgia, a definition for domestic violence, addresses misconceptions associated with domestic violence, describes the various types of abuse, and the common barriers survivors face when choosing to leave. It will also provide information on the various intervention and prevention programs within Partnership Against Domestic Violence.  

Presented by Georgia Commission on Family Violence (GCFV)

Suicide and Domestic Violence: What You Need to Know” will explore the strong connection between suicide and domestic violence homicide risk. Training participants will be given an overview of warning signs of domestic violence as well as information for how to tell if the situation is escalating. Basic safety planning tools will be provided. Participants will also learn where to refer someone who is experiencing domestic violence and ways to become more engaged in community efforts to address domestic violence.

Visit Events to see a full list of

upcoming trainings.

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