Do you facilitate a suicide bereavement support group?
Would you like to become a facilitator, or maybe even start a new group in your area?
Whether you’ve been facilitating for years or it’s just an idea in the back of your mind, whether you want to sharpen your skills or learn the basics, join us for a 4-part Zoom-based training workshops full of practical skills and creative ideas.
Led by Joanne L. Harpel, President of Coping After Suicide®️ the workshops are open to anyone with a personal or professional interest in facilitating suicide bereavement support groups (note: if you’ve experienced a personal loss to suicide, we strongly recommend that you be at least 2 years from the death).
Learn best practices for facilitating a suicide bereavement support group, including:
- practical strategies
- tips and tricks
- go-to ideas to keep in your back pocket
- handling sticky situations
- what your role is (and isn’t)
- special considerations for Zoom groups
Joanne L. Harpel, MPhil, CT, JD, President of Coping After Suicide®️, is an international authority on suicide loss. She has trained hundreds of people in support group facilitation for over twenty years and currently oversees twelve suicide loss support groups, with members attending from across the country and around the world. She is the former longtime Senior Director for Public Affairs and Postvention for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. www.copingaftersuicide.com